
A welcome from the Peer Mentoring Programme Coordinator, Ms Leandre Botha

The Peer Mentoring Programme, which is a student driven initiative in the Faculty of Health Sciences. The Programme was launched in October 2021 and was rolled out in all 11 Health Science departments. This year we have an amazing group of 79 mentors who are all senior students within the Faculty. The Peer Mentoring Programme is a way of assisting first year students to integrate themselves academically and socially. Mentoring assists first year students to cope with the transition and demands of university life and while also adopting The Nelson Mandela University’s values to change the word.


Contact Us

Ms Leandre Botha

Peer Mentoring Programme Coordinator

Tel: +27(0)41 504 1179



Emthonjeni Student Wellness consists of a team of professionally trained psychologists, counsellors and intern psychologists who are registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa. Our services are confidential and free to Nelson Mandela University students and are available on all campuses.

Our vision is to provide students with support, guidance and professional counselling that contributes to holistic student success and the achievement of desired Nelson Mandela University
graduate attributes.


Student Success Coaching at Nelson Mandela University is about collaborating with you to develop your ability to persist and build resilience in order to achieve personal growth and success in the academic environment. Your Coach will encourage meaningful conversations that can help you to:

Find effective ways to deal with academic challenges; Develop and improve strategies and skills, your level of self-awareness and self-responsibility; and Create a personalised academic success plan to achieve your academic and career goals.