Maluta Steven Mufamadi

Name: Dr Maluta Steven Mufamadi


Tel: 041 504 1833

Current Position: DSI Research Chair in Nanomedicine


Dr Steven Mufamadi is the Research Chair of the Nanomedicine Platform of Nelson Mandela University, the founder and managing director of Nabio Consulting (Pty) Ltd and Nanomedicine Ambassador Program with part of Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) National Youth Service Programme (NYS). He has earned his PhD in Pharmaceutics from Wits University, entrepreneurship short courses from University of Pretoria and Ecole Polytechique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. He has authored and co-authored three patents, one of which is an international patent, several peer-reviewed scientific publications and book chapters. Dr Mufamadi was the editor for the book titled: Green synthesis in nanomedicine and human health 1st Edition and Publisher CRC Press. He was awarded an award for international inventor by the Wits enterprise & Wits University Innovation Forum, the best peer-reviewed research paper of pharmaceutics from the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences of South Africa (APSSA), Gauteng Biotech communicator of the year by the BioFundi awards in 2017 and finalist of the 2019/2020 NSTF South 32 Awards in the category: Communication award.
Dr Mufamadi has served as a consultant/advisor for many organisations, embassy, government departments and agencies, SMMEs, pharmaceutical companies and regulatory authority, both local and international. He is a board member at the African Science, Technology and Policy Institute (ASTePI). He was appointed by CEO of South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) as Pharmaceutical and Analytical Evaluator. He is a business and technical advisor at the Gauteng BioPark, the Innovation Hub. From 2014, he is member of the national nanotechnologies committee (ISO TC229) at the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS). He co-founded several seminars and dialogues on communicable and non-communicable diseases such as; cancer medicine in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), COVID-19 vaccine policy dialogue, SA-Switzerland nanomedicine (TB & HIV/AIDS) symposium, SA-Italy nanomedicine webinar and international Nano4Youth 2021 seminar.

An Overview of Nanomedicine 

Phalaphala FM Radio Interview 


  • PhD (Wits) Pharmaceutics

Research Expertise

Nanomedicine and pharmaceutical nanotechnology

Field of Specialization

Pharmaceutical nanoformulations, drug delivery system, bio-robotic, green chemistry, biomaterials, and gene therapy.